A Brief Description of Company Directors from a Historical and the Legal Perspective of Bangladesh

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1,248 ViewsINTRODUCTION Although company is regarded as a legal person yet it cannot manage itself like a natural person. Companies are managed by the directors. During the course of their duty, managers are bound to follow specific rules regulations and perform specific duties. A company’s progress greatly depends on how efficiently the directors are handling […]

Socio-Economic Rights in the Constitution of Bangladesh and the Social Reality

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1,231 ViewsSince the late 19th century, socio-economic rights which are also called ‘second-generation rights’ started taking place in the constitutions of different countries worldwide. After World War II, international law started recognizing these rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) were adopted in 1948 […]

Preservation of Democracy and Logical Exclusion of a Party: Context Bangladesh

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682 ViewsIntroduction: “We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution”[i] -the declaration about the supremacy of the constitution proved the possession of Constitution overall and above and no one has the right to deny its superiority. […]

Digital Labour Platform for Workers and the Necessity of Regulations in Bangladesh (A Socio-legal analysis)

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1,013 ViewsIntroduction: Digital labour platform is now very popular worldwide as well as in Bangladesh. It is a modern way to embody jobs and businesses through using digital technology in online platforms. According to the Crunchbase database, it has grown more and more rapidly in the past decade, increasing in number from at least 142 […]

The Right to Surgical Informed Consent: Policy Breaking Issues & Resolution

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784 ViewsIntroduction: Bangladesh is a densely populated country where every citizen has the right to receive medical treatment. In view, policy-breaking issues on infringement of the right to surgical informed consent is a major problem. Herein, negligent disclosure on treatment, where the surgeons have not entrusted for any bodily surgery of the patients at public […]

Challenges in Enforcement of WTO Decision: Proposition of Reformation to Ensure Sustainability in the World Trade System

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537 ViewsIntroduction: As a single International Organization, World Trade Organization (WTO) tries to work as a media where the member states negotiate regarding trade issues. By setting the rules of International trade, this organization overview each member state’s domestic trade policies and ensures transparency. Moreover, it works as a comfortable zone for developing and under […]

A Genealogical Description of Bangladeshi Land Law and Land Administration

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680 ViewsIntroduction: In Bangladesh numerous laws, precedents, customs and usages are there to regulate the land management and they are administered by the Land Administration.[1] Although, such developments have caused the Bangladeshi legal system to become quite a different apparatus than its ancestors yet a clear legacy can be identified. The word “legacy” is being […]

Gender Discrimination on Cusp of Society

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535 ViewsGender discrimination indicates any situation where despite of being skilled and competent, a person doesn’t get equal opportunity because of their gender identity. Although the right to be treated equally is an inevitable right, but initial discrimination can be observed in family where the members treat new born babies according to their assigned sex […]

Positive Discrimination and Right to Equality in Bangladesh

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6,677 ViewsIntroduction: The Constitution of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh prohibits any discrimination based on gender, race, sex, caste and religion and guaranteed the right to equality under the different provisions. However, women in Bangladesh represent half of the total population of Bangladesh and at the same time Bangladesh is the home of about three […]

Ethno-Religious Identity Synthesis: Case of Bangladesh

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449 ViewsIdentity is a concept that dates backs to time immemorial. In today’s world, the concept has become more complex as it includes ethnic, religious, racial, political, and other aspects. This article mainly focuses on the conflict of the ethnic and religious identity of the people of Bangladesh. Generally, ethnic identity is defined through the […]