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NILS Bangladesh Journal of Law (NBJL)



Volume: 01 (2024)


The Network for International Law Students (NILS) Bangladesh Chapter is pleased to announce the “Call for Papers” for the annual edition of the NILS Bangladesh Journal of Law (NBJL). This peer-reviewed law journal is dedicated to promoting research and enhancing analytical skills among national and international legal professionals, scholars, and students.

About NBJL

NBJL is dedicated to giving aspiring and seasoned legal minds a forum to express their critical and analytical ideas on a range of legal topics. The aim of the publication is to promote a rich exchange of thoughts and perspectives among legal professionals, thereby advancing the field of legal studies.

Submission Guidelines

We invite submissions from a diverse range of contributors, including lawyers, scholars, judges, academicians, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and young legal professionals from both domestic and international backgrounds.

Contributors are encouraged to submit their original work in various formats, such as:

  1. Research Articles,
  2. Case notes,
  3. Book reviews

All submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:

Abstract and Structure

  1. Each original article must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words.
  2.  The content must be clearly organized under appropriate headings and sub-headings.
  3. Submissions may address any branch of law. Interdisciplinary write-ups are also welcome, provided they effectively address the legal aspects of the research problem.

Formatting Requirements

  1. Manuscripts must be submitted in the form of Microsoft Word document.
  2. The text should be typed in ‘Times New Roman’ & the font size should be 12.
  3. Pages should be numbered at the bottom of the page.
  4. The document should be double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides.

Word Count

  1. Original research articles must be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length including footnotes.
  2. Book reviews should not exceed 2,000 words.
  3. Case notes should be no longer than 1,500 words.

However, the editorial board retains the discretion to accept shorter or longer contributions in exceptional circumstances.

Academic Integrity and Referencing

  1. Submissions must maintain a high standard of academic integrity.
  2. The manuscript submitted must not be under review or published in any other journal.
  3. All supporting materials must be properly referenced in the OSCOLA citation style.
  4. Detailed guidelines for OSCOLA referencing can be found here:

OSCOLA, 4th Edition

Quick Reference Guide

Anonymization for Peer Review

  1. To facilitate double-blind peer review, manuscripts must be anonymized.
  2. The manuscript should not contain the author’s name or any other identifying information.
  3. A separate Microsoft Word document should be submitted containing the author’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a short biography.

Submission Process

Interested authors should submit their manuscript and cover page addressed via email to nilsbdeditorial@gmail.com. For any questions or clarifications, please contact us at the same email address.


The last date for submission is: August 03, 2024.


By submitting a manuscript, the author confirms that the work is not under review or published in any other journal. The author also grants the journal the exclusive right to publish the submitted manuscript upon acceptance. We look forward to receiving your contributions and supporting the advancement of legal scholarship in Bangladesh through the NBJL.

A.B.M Abu Noman


Department of Law,

University of Chittagong &

Member, Board of Advisors, NBJL.

Saeed Ahsan Khalid

Assistant Professor,

Department of Law,

University of Chittagong &

Member, Board of Advisors, NBJL.

Mohammad Pizuar Hossain

Editor Adviser, NBJL

Senior Lecturer in Law,

East West University.

Fathima Zahra Ahasan Raisa

Executive Editor, NBJL.

Editor-in-Chief, NILS Bangladesh. 




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